A Haiku

well-folded laundry
stacked high on the armchair
– reminders you’re gone.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a haiku, but thought I’d share this one. I’d love to read any comments you may have.

Advent Calendar Haiku #24

Seasons greetings! It’s here everybody! Christmas Eve! Can you believe it? Only twenty-four days ago I started the Haiku Advent Calendar as a challenge to myself and a gift to you all. We’ve made it!!!

I’m going to put on the tree lights and settle down for a day of relaxation and maybe some baking.

But first, I’ll leave you with this haiku…

Santa packs his sleigh,
ready to warp across earth;
The best gift is LOVE.

Thanks for joining me and for the kind words during the Haiku Advent Calendar. If you want to read the previous Haikus, click the specific day below:

Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7. Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. Day 11. Day 12. Day 13. Day 14. Day 15. Day 16. Day 17. Day 18. Day 19. Day 20. Day 21. Day 22. Day 23.

I hope you all have time to connect with your friends and family as well as yourself over Christmas. It’s been great sharing these Haikus with you all.

Merry Christmas to One and All.



Advent Calendar Haiku #23

Welcome to the penultimate day of the Haiku Advent Calendar. I hope you’ve been keeping up with them all and enjoying them.

Do you think it’s perfectly acceptable to be tucking into the Christmas food cupboard now. Who else loves Twiglets?

Today’s haiku is…

we made wool baubles
like snowballs soft and pure white;
the treetop star beamed.

Thanks again for joining me, come back for the finale tomorrow.

Take It Easy

Ho ho ho


Advent Calendar Haiku #22

Welcome back to Paul Writes Poems!

Day twenty-two and I can’t quite believe how fast December is going. I think I’ll make myself a ‘hot choctail’ later …

But first, here’s the haiku of the day…

To the North Pole,
Santa lists float up chimneys;
Children smile with hope.

Thanks for joining me today. I will wrap my presents today. I’m on sticky tape rations though!!!

Take It Easy


(photo: canva)

Advent Calendar Haiku #21

Welcome back! Good Morning! It’s day twenty-one of the Haiku Advent Calendar.

I hope you’re enjoying the mix of haiku I’m producing on the run-up to Christmas Day.

Today’s haiku is a true story that happened a few years ago…

The turkey’s too large,
another midnight axe job;
tin foil hysterics.

Come back tomorrow for day twenty-two’s haiku.

Take It Easy


Advent Calendar Haiku #20

It’s the final countdown until Christmas. Santa and his elves are busy working away in the toy factory and the holiday armadillo is trying to keep things together…

I still haven’t wrapped my presents yet but I’ll get round to it. Have you wrapped your non-North Pole gifts yet?

Todays haiku…

The jingle bells ring
every time the Christmas tree’s touched;
fairy lights dancing.

Thanks for joining me today, maybe enjoy a foil-wrapped chocolate as a treat or a mug of hot chocolate. Remember to come back tomorrow for day twenty-one.

Take It Easy,


Advent Calendar Haiku #19

Welcome to day nineteen of the Haiku Advent Calendar. I hope you’re all well. The days are going by too quickly.

I’ve donned a Christmas jumper to take part in the regular writing group I attend today so I’m festive and warm, like a good mulled wine or cider.

Now for today’s haiku…

Starlings murmur like
prudes gossiping on bare trees;
the air is frozen.

Thanks for reading and joining me today. If you missed it I was part of the cast of the Christmas Episode of Eat The Storms Poetry Podcast yesterday if you want something to listen to today. The Spotify link is below;


Take It Easy


Advent Calendar Haiku #18

On day eighteen of the Haiku Advent Calendar, my true love gave to me – oh sorry I got a little mixed up there!!!

I’ve only got two presents left to buy and they’re both going to be bought online. What a relief. I still need to wrap though.

Today’s haiku is…

The low winter sun
shines on the decorations;
the tree lights have fused.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I’m appearing on the Christmas Episode of Eat The Storms Poetry Podcast at 5pm (GMT) so keep an eye out for more on that later.

Take It Easy
